
Google Privacy Policy Claims Challenged by Watchdog - halseydenerivery99

Google's privateness policy changes have caught the attention of an free watchdog of the federal cloud that is worried about security risks for government workers.

Image good manners of Google

SafeGov disputes the Internet search leader's claims that the changes won't affect government workers using Google apps.

Google announced changes in its privacy policies Tuesday that it says are aimed at simplifying them. Part of that simplification includes sharing its users' data across all its services so information technology can be victimized to tailor delivery of those services, as well as advertising, to those users.

Shadowing that announcement, SafeGov raised an alarm and known as on Google non to apply the changes to workers exploitation Google's government apps. SafeGov argued the changes created privacy and protection risks for those workers.

Writing in a caller web log on Thursday, Google's V.P. for its enterprise business, Amit Singh, said SafeGov's concerns were unwarranted.

"As always, Google will maintain our endeavor customers' information in compliance with the confidentiality and security obligations provided to their domain," he wrote. "The new Privacy Policy does non modify our contractual agreements, which have always superseded Google's concealment insurance policy for enterprise customers."

SafeGov expert Jeff Gould, though, maintains that Singh's assurances don't jibe with what Google has posted online. "It's adept that Google said that IT wouldn't apply these policies to government workers, but it's intemperately to go through if they're actually doing it in practice," he told PCWorld .

"If you say the small print in their contract, it says the opposite of what they say," he asserted.

Piece atomic number 2 believes Google is sincere in its intention to shield government workers from the bran-new insurance policy changes, he same, "distinct parts of the formation are confused and non in equal with each other."

He explained that Google apps for politics contracts state that the standard Google privacy does apply and they point to the standard policy net pageboy, which says the policy will be replaced on March 1, the date the freshly secrecy policy is slated to fill effect.

"I'm non casting doubt on Google's sincerity," he said. "I'm sure they mean information technology when they enunciat they do non intend to apply this raw policy to government workers, but the reality of what's in the sign isn't in sync withal with what they've saying."

"It's something they need to neaten, and I trust they will," he added.

Since Google announced the changes in its concealment policy, it has number under flaming from a number of media sources and the U.S. U.S. Congress, who conceive the changes create more secrecy problems than they solve.

Larry Foliate

In a letter sent Thursday to Google CEO Larry Page, viii representatives wrote, "Google's announcement raises questions about whether consumers tooshie cop out of the new data share-out system either globally or happening a product-by-product basis. We consider that consumers should have the ability to opt out of data collection when they are not comfortable with a company's price of service and that the ability to exercise that choice should represent simple and straightforward."

Earlier this week, Google Policy Handler Betsy Masiello defended the policy changes. "We're making things simpler and we're trying to be direct just about it," she wrote in a company blog. "Period."

Follow freelance technology writer John P. Mello Jr. and Today@PCWorld on Twitter.


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